Don't miss your opportunity to own these amazing pieces of history!


USAAF Medal, Squadron Patch, DIARY & Document Grouping - CATERPILLAR CLUB - SUPER RARE Squadron Patch - Top!

Super grouping to S/Sgt. Herbert N. ABBOTT who flew the 825th Bomb squadron, 484th Bomb group. Was part of the James CHAFIN crew.   Comes with his Purple Heart & Air Medals in original cases, original discharge, his silk escape and evasion map, large framed portrait photo, official wartime transcript of his combat missions, original discharge, original wartime photo of his B-24 in flight (8x10in), ORIGINAL WARTIME DISNEY Italian made Squadron Patch (824th) - very RARE example, impossible to find, super Italian made Ribbon Bar, Italian made Purple Heart Ribbon, Air crew wings, extra patches and rank chevrons. Comes with his ORIGINAL WARTIME Caterpillar Club certificate (not post war reissue).   Also comes with his DIARY - which is incredible! Starts with his trip "over the pond," following with very detailed entries about all of his missions including Oct 14, 1944 when, on mission to Blechhammer Germany, they had to bail out due to two engines catching on fire. Very detailed account of this and event... and rest of his missions!  Super group.


AMAZING album to a member of the 357th Fighter Squadron, part of the 355th Fighter Group - the "Steeple Morden Strafers," a reference to its base in England and its lethal accuracy at low level. The fighter group destroyed or damaged 1,500 enemy planes, making it the top strafing outfit in the VIII Fighter Command during World War II. Comes with a squadron patch  (reunion?), filled with excellent images and well captioned.  Great aircraft photos, identified pilots, nice cockpit portrait ethos, great images of base life, officers, great portrait of the super famous CO Edward SZANIAWSKI with original signature!!  other identified officers, large unit photo, photos of the local village Litlington, kids visiting the base, photos inside their barracks,  CO of 355th FG Col Stewart, novel life raft design displayed, 8th AF CO Gen KEPNER, PX photos, GLEN MILLER performing, base dances and parties, ground crew posing in SZANIAWSKI'S plane, ground crew playing poker between missions, NOSE ART, signatures of other pilots on portraits, bombers, and more!  Amazing album!

WWII Squadron COMMANDER Grouping - Col. Joseph M SILK - 586th Bomb Squadron

Super grouping to Col. Joseph SILK who was the commander of the 586th BS of the 394th BG, 9th AF based in England flying B-26 bomber aircraft. The grouping comes directly from an old collector (whose collection I have been buying over the last year) who new Silk personally and was given to him by his daughter when Silk passed away. Comes with framed display of his personal insignia, his West Point Shako hat, and a binder with original photos as well as old copies of the unit history showing Silk, his wedding overseas and also details about how the Squadron emblem was designed - based on Silk himself. Historic grouping!

WWII B-29 JEWISH Pilot TRUNK GROUPING - 462nd & 6th Bomb Groups

Extensive trunk grouping to Jewish B-29 pilot Lt Joseph Harold ARONSON who flew with the 462nd Bomb Group, 768th Bomb Squadron and later the 6th Bomb Group, 40th Bomb Squadron. Comes in high quality wooden Abel & Back 1943 dated footlocker. Nice Class A jacket with pilot’s wings, DI’s, PUC, etc., true Flighter Crusher cap, two garrison cap, silver platter, extensive number of flight and training manuals, box full of original wartime letters, box with additional insignia including A-2 leather tags and dog tag, Flight Log from training, Japanese phrase book, several original photos including a super crew photo infant of their B-29, very nice studio portraits, huge amount of original paperwork - orders, promotions, and his complete flight file showing every flight he made! his footlocker stencil, Jewish tree fund certificate, and more! Great grouping/ US shipping only.

US WWII Armored Photo & Insignia Grouping - 8th Armored Division

138 photos, all from the same man who served in the 8th Armored Division, 80th Tank Battalion- NOTE - the 536th patch DOES NOT go with this grouping - it was photographed in error. SUPER armored photos - many great images of tanks, Sherman Tanks with additions including bulldozer features and Flail chains, He indicates on the back of one of the photos that the bulldozer tank was their tank and they named it "BOGIE BUSTER." Awesome! German trucks in US service, good photos of other vehicles, identified locations in France and Belgium, KIA German soldier - looks like Grossdeutschland Division, French girlfriends, battlefield decimation, Ruhr River crossing, captured railway cannons, French girl giving troops Cognac, nice photos of 8th armored Div patches being worn, named tanks, more!

WWII US GI Photo Album - North Africa - 175th Engineers - North Africa, SICILY & ITALY

Appx 200 photos. From man who served in the 175 Engineers, aircraft, interacting with locals, knocked out bunkers, knocked out TIGER TANK, destroyed German equipment, captured Italian flags, photos taken near KASSERINE PASS, crashed FW 190, other crashed Luftwaffe Aircraft, identified locations in Italy & Sicily, German STURMGESCHUTZ, Mussolini after execution, and more.

WWII 8th Air Force DFC & AIR MEDAL Grouping - 388 Bomb Group - Interned in Sweden!

Rare grouping of original wartime government engraved AM & DFC, both in original white cardboard boxes, named to Sgt John W. PRICE. He was a member of the 388th Bomb Group, 563rd Bomb Squadron. He was serving as tail gunner on B-17 42-31137 "Classy Chassy" when forced to emergency land in Sweden on April 9, 1944 as result of Flak damage. The crew spent the rest of the war interned in Sweden.
$850 - sold

US WWII KIA Purple Heart Medal- POW - Stalag 2B HAMMERSTEIN

Officially wartime government engraved Purple Heart Medal named to Put Gilbert H. CASEY. Was captured and held at Stalag 2B HAMMERSTEIN. He survived and when on and serve in Korea.

US WWII KIA Purple Heart Medal - 36th Infantry Division

Comes with officially wartime government engraved Purple Heart in case. Named to Pet William A. CLARK who served in the 142 Inf Rgt, 36th division. He was KIA on June 3, 1944 and is buried at Sicily-Rome American cemetery. Comes with binder with research and copies of information pertaining to his death.

US WWII 8th Air Force Photo Album - Great Aircraft Photos including Captured Luftwaffe Planes!

312 photos. Well captioned. Starts with his trip overseas to England on the Queen Mary. Landed in Scotland in June 1943. Photos of his time stationed on HOLTON Airfield and GOXHILL Airfield in England. Original photos of GENRAL SPATZ, GENRAL DOOLITTLE and other high officers, base life, 8th AF patches, base parties, base defenses, crashed planes, nice P-51 and P-38 photos, dog fight photos, planes flying through Flak on bombing runs, British planes, many photos of captured LUFTWAFFE AIRCRAFT including me 109 with British markings, Ju 88, ME 110, HE 111 and more! Visiting York, London and other locations, and more!

GROSSDEUTSCHLAND Officer Photo Album & Award Document Grouping - TOP!

Amazing complete grouping of Oberleutnant Friedrich HARTZ who served in Infanterie Regiment GROSSDEUTSCHLAND.  Comes with his award documents for Infantry Assault Badge with original signature regimental commander, Iron Cross Second Class with original signature 20 Inf Division commander & RK winner Generalleutnant Mauritz von Wiktorin, Wound Badge in Silver, Iron Cross FIRST CLASS dated April 1944 while serving with Füsilier Regiment GD with original signature Division commander Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel  - RK + Swords and Diamonds winner (great signature!!), many pieces of original Feldpost, photo album with many very good photos starting with his service in Inf Rgt 69 then transfer to GROSSDEUTSCHLAND, great original portrait of DKIG winner Kohlhaas - later photos of his RK ceremony, Ludwig, great photos of GD insignias and cufftitles in wear, good battle photos in Russia, StuG III with GD insignia, later photos of him assigned to training HJ boys in 1944 after his last wounding, several original photos of HJ commander AXMANN,several good photos of Harz with GD commander Generalleutnant Walter Hörnlein (RK+OL winner), ends with photos of his Bundeswehr service. many other document from his service. 

FALLSCHIRMJAEGER Photo Album - Russia + Southern France - LATE WAR!


145 photos of a FJ sold, very well captioned throughout. Good aryan looking gent.  Nice studio portraits showing FJ badges in wear,  many FJ photos starting in AUGUST 1944 in LYON, France! many identified personnel, photos in jump gear and FJ helmets, photos of him and comrades in JUMP SMOCKS with MP 40, camp smocks in wear, photos from DREUX, France in 1943, planes, photos of the man and comrades in a FJ Krad unit on motorcycles and FJ gear in the field in Southern France 1944 (!!), and more!

FALLSCHIRMJAEGER Photo Album - France, Russia & ITALY!


FIVE Photo Album Grouping - Same Soldier - 296 Infantry Division - TOP!

AMAZING huge FIVE album grouping containing 840 photos (!!) to the same soldier who served in the 519 infanterie Regiment of the 296 Infantry Division.  Filled with great ephemera and mementoes (including rare Soviet propaganda leaflets)  of his service as well as meticulously captioned photographs!  Named to Unteroffizier Heinrich SPIEGEL.  Great front content, many identified locations - really reads as a diary of his service. Combat, vehicles, weapons, great salty infantry photos, foxholes. bunkers, winter camp, ski patrols, Russian tanks, KIA, also photos from the France campaign of 1940, armored trains UNIFORM INSIGNIA, soviet money, orders, portrait photos, photos from his Hitler Jugend service and more!  A rare find that has escaped the album-butchers’ hands!

SA-Standarte FELDHERRNHALLE & Fallschirmjäger Photo Album - RARE!

168 photos. Amazing album of a FHH soldier. In a very rare original FHH album cover! Well captioned throughout. Great images of all types of FHH uniform insignia and helmets in wear, photo of transition time where they were wearing Luftwaffe breast eagles as well, original HITLER images, photos of the unit'a attendance at a MUNICH RALLY, FHH cufftitles in wear, other good studio portraits, Gorgets in wear, photos of him later wearing FALLSCHIRMJAEGER SMOCKS, FJ HELMETS in wear, Lugers, FJ's on motorcycles in the field, and more. Very Rare Album!

GEBIRGSJAEGER Photo Album Grouping - Gebirgsjaeger Regiment 98 - Westwall, Poland, France Balkan and Russia Campaigns - TOP!

Three super albums to a man who served in GJR 98 and later Inf Rgt 437. Named to Franz STREIBL. 475 photos.  Well captioned. Content from the Westwall, Poland, France Balkan and Russia Campaigns.   Great studio portrait of the man, original Edelweiss flowers, GJ troops hiking in the Alps, super Alpine images, nice portrait of unit commander, Westwall fortifications, troops in foxholes, Luger holsters, identified locations, salty infantry in the field, French POWs, destroyed aircraft, breaking through the Maginot Line, KIA German soldiers, graves, French POWs surrendering, photos in Yugoslavia, bicycle infantry, Italian soldiers, Russian tanks, foxholes, Egg grenades, graves, photos from CRIMEA, medals in wear, more. Great grouping.


245 photos of a paratrooper who served in 13./FJR1. Very nice album that contains the man's cloth FJ Badge as well as his rare version FJ Badge award document in booklet form awarded March 1944 in Wittstock. Also comes with his Wound Badge in BLACK award document awarded July 2, 1944 during the retreat from MONTE CASSINO. The album also covers his pre-FJ service as a bomber crew member in KAMPFGESCHWADER 77. Coms with a hand-typed history of his service. Comes with a lovely large colorized studio portrait, photos of FJ's jumping, FJs in jump gear, notebooks from flight training school, good He 111 and Ju 88 aircraft photos, crew in tropical uniforms, identified locations in SICILY, field bivouacs, photos in other locations in mainland Italy, great photo showing tail symbols of ships that sunk, nice studio portraits, great original studio portrait of KNIGHTS CROSS WINNER Dietrich PELTZ, and more. Ends with a Flugbuch with flight entries from 1943. Nice!

OFFICER Two Photo Album & Document Grouping - Major 29 "Falke" Inf Division - Standortkmmandant SALONIKI - GREECE

65 photos. Nice grouping to Major Friederich LORZ. He served in Inf Rgt 15 as Kompanie commander and later in 1944 as Standortkommandant SALONIKI. Excellent large studio portrait, discharge documents, many diary like captions and entries, hand typed record of his service, a wide assortment of his award documents including long service medal, promotion to Hauptmann document with ORIGINAL signature V. BLOMBERG, Austrian ANSCHLUSS medal document, Sudetenland Medal with Spange award document, Iron Cross Second Class for POLAND CAMPAIGN service as Kompanie Commander Inf Rgt 15 with original signature Generalleutnant Joachim Lemelsen (RK+EL) - commander 29 FALKE Inf Division, KVK2 document, Bulgarian medal document, Führerschein, rare Turkish POW document with photo of Lorz, SOLDBUCH well filled out with all awards entered, and more. Great grouping!

WAFFEN-SS Photo Album - 6. SS-Gebirgs Division "NORD

116 photos. All from a man who served in the 6. SS-Gebirgs Division "NORD." Nice photos of SS ski troops in winter camo, "Strasse Der SS" signs in Norway/Lappland, barren wilderness conditions, artillery positions, aircraft, SS camp smocks in wear, mounted troops, harsh winter conditions, KO T-34 tanks outside their trench positions, bunker building, Panzers in the field, graves, ceremonies, more.

German Army OFFICER Photo & Document Grouping - Commander III./Gren Rgt 203 - STALINGRAD WOUNDED!

294 photos. Named to Major Erich GERSTENBERG who served as commander in Inf Rgt 105 & 36 and later as commander Jaeger Batl in Gren Rgt 178. He was also commander III./Gren Rgt 203 which was destroyed at STALINGRAD. Comes with a nice selection of award documents. They were stored improperly and suffered discoloration. I placed them in acid free bags & boards. Iron Cross FRIST Class with original signature General der Infanterie Albrecht Schubert (RK winner), Iron Cross Second Class award document also with original signature Schubert, Infantry Assault Badge award document while serving as commander III./Gren Rgt 203 with orig signature General. Black Wound Badge awarded for being wounded at STALINGRAD Sept 1942 with orig signature 14 Panzer Division Generalleutnant Friedrich Sieberg - RK winner). Westwall medal, second Black Wound Badge award document, Long Service Medal document, also comes with the VORSCHLAG FOR THE GERMAN CROSS IN GOLD for and Oblt GUTMACHER which Gerstenberg wrote gives great details of his military exploits at STALINGRAD - Gerstenberg was the commander of II./Gren Rgt 178 at the time! the unit was destroyed at Stalingrad. Lots of other documents, several Stalingrad related. Photo album is well captioned covering his pre-war service, very good images. Rare grouping to an officer that survived Stalingrad!

Award Document Grouping + More - KIA - 263 Inf. Division

Named grouping to Josef GÜRSTER. Comes with several marksmanship awards including wartime Narvik book. He was KIA in May 1944 in Russia. Iron Cross Second Class Award document with original signature 263 ID commander Generalleutnant Hans Traut ( RK winner), Iron Cross FIRST Class with original signature 263 ID commander Generalleutnant Werner Richter (RK winner - KIA June 1944), Black Wound Badge document w/ orig. signature Abt commander, Ostmedaille award document.


Original complete 1942 edition of GROSSDEUTSCHLAND IM WELTGESCHEHEN (Greater Germany in World Affairs).  These are massive and extremely hard to find as they were very expensive to buy at the time and are often pilfered for individual sale as the images are original photos that can be removed, not just printed pages! They are also NOT CHEAP Cigarette card type photos; they are printed on postcard stock! The albums are basically a daily dairy of events from the Nazi perspective - this one for 1942.  It is filled with images of Hitler and other high leaders! Great AFRIKAKORPS Content as well as combat from Russia.  Bargain priced!

AFRIKAKORPS Wehrpass, Award Document, Photo & Cufftitle Grouping - KRETA, AFRIKA, SICILY, MONTE CASSINO, BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Nice!

Grouping named to Uffz Walter TUSSING who served in Panzer Gren Rgt 382 of the 164 lei. Africa-Division. He avoided captivity after the capitulation and was part of the reformed unit when it formed Stab. II./Gren Rgt (mot.)"NEAPEL" part if Panzer grenadier Regiment NEAPEL - Rare unit! He transferred in Sept 1943 to Panzer Gren Rgt 129, fighting in SICILY. He transferred in March 1944 to Panzer green Rgt 115 of the 15 Panzer Grenadier Division fighting with the unit at MONTE CASSINO! He stayed with the unit through the Ardennes offensive (Battle of the Bulge) and war's end. All awards entered! Also comes with his cut AFRIKA cufftitle and his complete minty AFRIKAKORPS cufftitle. Nice selection of photos from his Africa service!
$1450 - sold


Grouping named to Sanitäter Uffz. Fraulich who serve din San Komp 33. Comes with his AFRIKA cuff title. He arrived on African soil on Nov 1, 1943. He was captured in Tunisia on May 12, 1943 and put to work in Sousse Military POW Hospital.

GERMAN CROSS IN GOLD Winner Photo & Document Grouping - REGIMENT GENERAL GOERING + 12 Fallschirmsturmgeschütze Brigade

90 photos and original large formal German Cross in Gold award document to Feldwebel Arulf KETTERL. He received the DKiG while serving with 7./Flak-Regiment 43 on March 31, 1943. At this time, Flak Regiment 43 was part of REGIMENT GENERAL GOERING under the command of Major Karlhuber! There is also a letter he wrote o General Heinrich Plickert in 1954 discussing his being proposed for and approved the Knights Cross by General Erdman.He indicates that at war's end he was serving in the 6 Fallschirmjaeger Division in the 12 Fallschirmsturmgeschuetze Brigade.  Great group at a great price!

Legion Condor + AFRIKAKORPS Document Grouping - POW Tunisia

Very nice grouping to Josef ZINNECKER. Comes with his two nice formal Spanish Medal award documents (Cruz Roja Del Merito Militar and Medalla de la Campana) - would look amazing framed, large formal SPANISH CROSS in Silver medal award document, official document identifying the medals he was being awarded for Legion Condor service, Sudetenland Medal award document, Iron Cross Second Class award document (18./Luftnachrichten Rgt 200) with original signature XII Fliegerkorps commander General Josef Kammhuber -RK winner  -for DAK service, letter to his family stating that he was being awarded the EK2 for service in AFRICA, second letter to his family saying he was captured in TUNISIA by Allied forces and also awarded the EK2 medal.

SOLDBUCH & Award Document Group Inf Rgt 196 + Panzerfaust Document
Soldbuch, EK2 Award Document and Infnatry Assault Badge Award Document to Kurt BLAUL who served in Inf Rgt 196 of the 68 Infantry Division.  All awards entered into Soldbuch including the Ostmedaille.  What I really like is the document issued in 1944 which has a soldier holding a Panzerfaust - uncommon!  And first time I have seen this document. It is a thank you to soldiers from commander of a Heeresgruppe for his service on the East German border.
Luftwaffe Award Document Grouping - Schnellkampfgeschwader 10  - NORMANDY - D-DAY !!
Historically important award document grouping to FW 190 pilot Oberfahnrich Georg KOEPPEL. He served in 3./Schnellkampfgeschwader 10.  This unit is famous for its attacks on D-Day over the landing beaches. It shot down four Lancasters during this time! According to the dates of his award documents, he was with the unit at this time!
The I. Gruppe of SKG10 remained in France under the control of II. Fliegerkorps when the rest of the Geschwader transfere to Italy in July 1943. Due to the lack of regular night fighters in France, it was decided in April 1944 to employ I./SKG 10 on Wilde Sau missions over North Western France and Belgium during full-moon periods. The group's most successful outing was on the night of 3/4 May, when Fw 190s of I/SKG-10 accounted for six victories in the air combat during the night raid against the panzer training center at Mailly-le-Camp. I. Gruppe was put under the control IX. Fliegerkorps in 1944 and operated against the Allied troops during the Normandy Invasion in June 1944. Two Fw 190 pilots of I./SKG 10 were over the landings at dawn on a reconnaissance mission, and claimed four Avro Lancasters shot down.
Comes with his Pilots Badge award document, his Flight Clasp in Bronze award document awarded Jule 25, 1944 with original signature of Gruppenkdr. KURT DAHLMANN (Knights Cross + Oakleaves winner -  the highest-decorated German Jabo (Schlachtflieger) pilot of the war!). Iron Cross Second Class award document awarded June 4, 1944 (!!) with orig. sig. IX Fliegerkorps commander Generalmajor Dietrich PELTZ (Knights Cross + Swords - youngest General in the Wehrmacht and flew 350 combat missions as Stuka pilot. Also awarded for the Mistel and Ramjaeger programs).

Luftwaffe Photo Album & SOLDBUCH - ITALY, SICILY, Balkans, Austria - Flak Sturm Abt. 28

122 photos. Named to Uffz. Gunther LOOSE. Comes with a certificate indicating that he received points for the Flak Badge for shooting down an aircraft in Kalamaki, Greece. His SOLDBUCH is well filled out with nice uniform photo. Many Flak unit entries. Awards entered include Iron Cross Second Class, Flak Badge, Ground Combat Badge, Flak Tactical Badge. The Photo Album has nice studio portraits of the man, unit photos, photos from BERLIN, Photos from ROME, photos from SICILY, 8.8cm FLAK firing at night, transport plane, photos from TAORMINA, Sicily, and more.

GERMAN CROSS IN GOLD Winner Award Document Grouping - 253 Inf. Division

Grouping of Oberfeldwebel Bernhard DIEPER. He was a German Cross in Gold Winner Comes with his letter from the commander of Gren Rgt 453 on Regimental letterhead congratulating and enclosing his DKiG - with original signature, two map postcards of the 253 Inf Division, ORIGINAL Tegesbefehl for Sept 12, 1944 listing Dieper as having received the DKiG (rare), and another rare document - 253 Inf Division citation for uninterrupted service in Russia from 1941 to 1944, with original signature of 253 Inf Div commander General KARL BECKER (RK+Oakleaves) - first time I have offered this document!


Grouping to Obergef. Mathaeus RAUH who served in 1./Pionier Batl 173. Comes with his Iron Cross First Class document with original signature General XXX Korps Commander Maximilian FRETTER-PICO (RK+Oakleaves), NAHKAMPFSPANGE 1 Class awarded Dec 8, 1943 with orig. sig. btl commander, WOUND BADGE In GOLD awarded Sept 23, 1944 with orig. sig. Btl. cdr., KRIMSCHILD award document, STURMABZEICHEN with orig. sig. div. cdr. Rudolf Freiherr VON ROMAN (RK+Oakleaves winner).

WWII USAAF Airplane Instruments & Souvenirs - Dealer's Lot

MASSIVE lot of original USAAF aircraft instruments and equipment.  Comes with a MINT Type N6A reflector GUNSIGHT (appx. $350-$450), appx 22 original helmet  & headset extensions (sell for $10-20 each), appx. 60 various type PL-540, PL-54, and other plugs ($6-10 each) , several original flight computers, original throat microphones ($25-$40 each), original headset assemblies, three original SW-141-E Press to Talk assemblies - two in original packaging! ($50-80 each),  M-1 eye shields in original packaging, Microphones Type RS 38-A and more! Appx $2000 conservative value.
$1150 - reduced to $850

STUKA German Cross in GOLD Winner Photo & Document Grouping

Small grouping to DKIG winner and Stuka Ju 87 Air Gunner  Kurt ESCHENBACHER. He flew with 2./Syuka Geschwader 77. He won the DKiG on May 17, 1943.   Comes with a stunning studio portrait of him  wearing all his medals including the DKIG, congratulation letter on his 600th combat mission signed by VIII Fliegerkorps commander Generalmajor Hans SIEDEMANN (RK+Oakleaves), and a second letter on his 700th mission, also signed by Seidemann. Also comes with large photo of Ju 87's in flight.

Soldbuch, Wehrpass, Award Document Grouping - Greece + Crimea

Grouping to Uffz. Emil CHRISTMAN who served in Very. u. Kart. Abt. (mot) 613. Comes with his KVK2 award document with original signature 12 Armee commander, General der Pioniere Walter KUNTZE (RK winner), SOLDBUCH & Wehrpass are complete and well filled out, Wehrmacht Fuhrerschein, RED Cross stretcher bearer oilcloth ID, military discharge.


Rare award document of the EHRENSCHILD DES LUFTGAUKOMMANDOS NORWEGEN- Honor Plaque for Special Achievement. Issued March 27, 1942 with original signature commander Luftgau Norwegen Genlt. Willi HARMJANZ. The document is rarer than the plaque itself.

WWI & WWII Photo & Document Grouping - OBERSTLEUTNANT

Very nice grouping to Oberzahlmesiter Otto LINZ. During WWI he served in Inf. Rgt. "Kaiser Wilhelm II" no. 116. Comes with a very nice large WWII euro photo of him in Major uniform wearing all his medals. Also comes with three WWI era photos of him. Very nice, extensive award document grouping including EK2, EK1, Ernst Ludwig Bravery Medal, and several others. Also his WWII ear large promotion document to Oberfeldzehlmeister, promotion document to Oberstleutnant, and more. nice lot!


Photo Album & Award Document Grouping - 17 Panzer Division - Nice!
77 photos.  Also comes with the man's Wehrpass, Iron Cross Second Class document with original signature 17 Panzer Division commander Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen von Arnim (RK winner), Black Wound Badge award document with Abt. Cdr. signature  Major Rudolf Freiherr von Lerchenfeld (DKIG winner), and other documents. the Wehrpass is complete with photo.  Shows he served in Panzer Aufklarungs Abt. 27 of the 17 Panzer Division. extensive list of weapons qualifications, Fuehrerschein Class I, II, III, both medals listed, campaigns in France and Russia.  Photo albums is well captioned, good photos from France, vehicles, bivouacs, officers, graves, nice studio portraits, KO french B1 Tank and KIA crew, medal ceremonies in the field, and more.


Nice Luftschutzpolizei award document grouping named to Zugwachtmeister Adolf KUEBLER. Served in Luftgau VII - Munich. Comes with KVK2 WITh Swords award document awarded Jan 1945 with original signature General Wolfgang Vorwald (RK.KvK winner), KVK2 WITHOUT Swords also for service in Munich with Luftgau VII, Westwall Medal Document, Hindenburg Cross award document, large version Luftschutz Medal 2nd Class award document, and Silver Service Medal from 1939.

Army Photo Album & Award Document Grouping Infanterie Regiment 21 - 17 Inf Division

Grouping to Uffz. Friedrich SCHOEPPLER who served in 7./Inf Rat 21. Comes with his EK2 award document with original signature of 17 Inf Div commander General der Artillerie Herbert Loch (RK winner), Black Wound Badge award document, original printed Regimental Order congratulating men on France Campaign battles, 13 Maerz 1938 Medal, Cover of soldbuch with original photo of the man, and empty photo album named to him.

US WWII ARMORED Photo Album & Insignia Grouping - 12th Armored Division - TOP!

445 photos in two albums!! Absolutely one of the best US armored groupings we have ever offered! Named to Andrew HANKOVSKY who served in B Troop of the 92nd Can Recon Squadron of the 12 Armored Div. He was from Lakewood Ohio. All from the same man who served in the 92nd Cavalry Recon Squadron of the 12th Armored Division! At war's end he transferred to the 1st Armored Division and played in the unit band. Comes with some very RARE insignia including two matching theater made Armored tabs " Old ironsides" and "Hellcats." Guaranteed wartime theater made; you will never finding a matching pair like this again! The Patch & Tab pairs would sell for $800 by themselves! Also rare are the two matching pairs of DI's - one for the 92nd Cavalry Recon Squadron and the other for the 81st Cavalry Recon Squadron - These would sell for $500 for each pair! there is also a very rare wartime unit history for the 92nd Cavalry Recon Squadron as well as an equally rare 1945 printed unit roster! The large, fold-out 12th Armored Division map is also a rare find! It is amazing that all this survived together for so long due to the group butchers amongst us. The photo content is fantastic - 445 photos!! Filled with good armored photos, fantastic German-made studio portraits showing rare unit theater made unit patches and DI's in wear. Many photos are captioned on the reverse. The 12th Armored Division liberated LANDSBERG CONCENTRATION CAMP and there are original, unpublished photos the man took of the camp and prisoners. Also photos of 80th Armored Regiment tanks with insignias visible, nice photos of take nicknames and emblems painted on sides of thanks, good images of tanker gear in wear, burning villages, captured German vehicles in use by the unit, identified locations in France, Belgium and Germany, good jeep photos, original photos of one of GOERING'S houses where they went looking for Frau Goering but she had left "we rode some of his finest horses though and looked over part of his loot." Fantastic grouping!
$2850 - sold


Appx 300+ photos. Amazing content from a member of the 93rd Bomb Group. Fantastic images of Nose Art, bomb rum photos, crew photos, base life, photos of B-24's on bombing runs, flak bursts in formation, low altitude supply drop missions, use shows, photos when the unit was stationed in North Africa, crews in flight gear, crew mission briefings, A2 jackets with squadron patches, P-38 and Thunderbolt photos, interesting camp paint schemes, B-24s crashed and burning on airfield, battle damage details, and more! Great album!
$2750 - sold


Extensive grouping named to Rear Admiral Alexander F. JUNKER. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1922. His first assignment was to the USS Texas. In 1924 he entered submarine service. His first submarine assignment was the USS S 26 based in the canal zone. He served in various other submarines between 1930 and 1933. He served on the USS Porpoise as well as the USS Dolphin. He was assigned to the USS Lexington in July 1940 as engineering officer. He was on the Lexington win it was sunk by Japanese forces during the battle of the Coral Sea and received a Bronze Star citation for services he performed at the time. He went on to serve as commanding officer of the US Sabine and the USS President Jackson. He received a gold star for the bronze star and subsequently the combat V for the bronze star as well. He later was awarded the Legion of Merit for WWII service as well as the Distinguished Service Medal for service during the Korean War.

The grouping comes with his complete set of service medals, his gold officer submarine service dolphins, dog tag, a binder full of original as well as copy paperwork related to his service (MUCH MORE than is pictured below). Contains an extensive record of his service. Important original paperwork includes his formal bronze star medal citation, Gold Star and Combat “V" citation, letter regarding Gold Star and combat “V" award, legion of merit citation, letter concerning his award of the navy unit commendation ribbon bar, Distinguished Service Medal citation, original photo of him being awarded the DSM by the secretary of the navy extensive original letter concerning his award of the DSM and more.

US WWII OFFICER Trunk Grouping - Africa, Italy - 5th Army - Nice!

VERY nice and extensive trunk grouping. Named to Capt. (later, MAJOR), Curtis A. GRAY. The trunk is just as it was at war's end. It has even the original shipping tags still on it. Filled with quality items. original officer's visor cap, multiple uniform pants, two uniform shirts, multiple belts, multiple garrison caps, money belt, great coat, Uniform jacket with original insignia, desk name plaque, souvenir shell he purchased at Pompeii, Puttees, several Stars and Stripes newspapers, his Records Jacket full of original paperwork, a super PHOTO ALBUM, very well captioned throughout. Starts with photos from their wedding, then he sails to England on July 1, 1942 with the 80th Ordnance Company, telegrams he sent home, he was with the invasion force "Operation Torch" landing in ORAN in 1942. portrait photo of him taken in Oran when he was the commander of the 330th Ordnance Motor Transport Company, many photos he took while in North Africa, then photos from SICILY, many identified personnel, then photos from mainland Italy, original patches he sent home to his wife - I Armored Corps, 5th Army and 2nd Corps, photo of plaque Mark Clark presented to the unit, several nice ID cards, and more. Also comes with his original DISCHARGE and SEPARATION papers, and more! great grouping! (U.S. shipping only)
$1565 - sold

US WWII PILOT Medal, Document & Photo Grouping - Egypt & North Africa

Extensive grouping named to Lt. Colonel Jean C. KENNEDY. He served from WWII through until 1977. Comes with a nice framed shadow box with his wings, photo, dog tag and more. A nice grouping of original photos of his serving with a RAF unit, nice Spitfire photos, named personnel, base life, air crew in flight gear, crashes, photos from Cairo 1944, photos from North Africa, crashed planes, USAF and RAF New Testaments,flight log books, complete flight files listing many C-46 flights, very nice bullion RAF cap badge, box of insignias, Air medal, and more! Needs more research!
- sold

Army Photo Album - Balkans - XXXX Armee Korps - Artistically Captioned

132 photos in a LARGE album. This is one of the most artistic albums we have offered. the owner included artwork and professional looking hand-painted graphics and maps throughout. Covers the XXXX Armee Korps from Vienna to Athens. Very good images of vehicles, tanks and panzers, gypsies, many identified locations, captured soviet aircraft, knocked out Panzers, vehicles with unit emblems, Serbian soldiers, identified locations in Greece, Flak cannons, halftracks, parades, artillery, graves, Fallschirmjaeger graves, more!
 - sold

GEBIRGSJAEGER Photo and Document Group -  2. Gebirgs Division - GRUPPE FEURSTEIN AWARD DOCUMENT - RARE!

Amazing grouping of a German Gebirgsjaeger (named to a Gef. STAIGER).  Comes with the Very Rare GRUPPE FEURSTEIN AWARD DOCUMENT (in original period frame) issued to him for the Invasion of Norway issued by GJR 137. Generalleutnant Valentin Feuerstein was Commander of the 2nd Mountain-Division from April 1938 till March 1941, (Knight´s Cross 12th of August 1944). was awarded to the soldiers of Gruppe Feurstein who participated in a forced march from Fauske towards Narvik to rescue Dietl's troops in the battle of Narvik in 1940. On May 4th 1940 General Feurstein’s 2nd Gebirgsjäger Division started marching 350 miles North from Trondheim to relieve Dietl’s 139th Gebirgsjäger Regiment isolated in Narvik, fighting Allied troops at various points along the way.
Also comes with a very rare original unit history covering the unit in the Norway campaign with good campaign details and ORIGINAL photos added in for illustration.  Also comes with his original PHOTO ALBUM containing 170 photos. Contains TWO ORIGINAL PHOTOS OF GENERAL DIETL in Norway, nice studio portrait of the man, photos of the unit interacting with Norwegian locals, good GJ gear and uniform details, Krads, photos of a Destroyer crew posing in Narvik with their newly awarded EK2s, British troop graves, captured British AA artillery, and more.   Great grouping!
 - sold

NINE Luftwaffe Photo Album & Document Grouping - Luftwaffe FELD-DIVISION - France, Italy, Sicily, Leningrad, AFRIKAKORPS++

Amazing grouping of 9 photo album grouping, all from the same man - Willy Eschweiler who served in various Medical units! Appx 2500 photos!  Comes with his KVK2 award document awarded Jan 30, 1944 when he was serving in medical unit of the 9. Luftwaffe Feld-Division. Starts with his RAD service, then a who album dedicated to the NEUENBURG AM RHEIN 1940.. After the attack of the Wehrmacht on France in 1940, Neuenburg was under fire. It was the first German city to be completely destroyed during the Second World War. On the 10/11th June, French artillery leveled the town. This album shows his unit visiting it and inspecting it, with some building still on fire. Also contains newspaper articles. Then album dedicated to the FRANCE CAMPAIGN 1940 when he served in Luftwaffen-Sanitats-Bereitschaft 4/VII. with souvenirs and mementos in brought back including Paris Ausweis - Good photos of destroyed French TANKS, crashed French airplanes, destroyed French towns, many identified locations - Vannes, Angers, Rouen, Nantes, St Naziere,Chartes, Cherbourg, photos from Normandy beaches, and more.  Then THREE entire albums dedicated to his time in ITALY & SICILY - also with newspaper articles, original maps he used, many identified locations - Trapani, Palermo, Catania, Naples, Castelvetrano, etc. Italian solders, visit of the Italian Crown Prince, field hospitals, Ju 87 in flight. good photos of ships loading weapons and vehicles for departure to Africa, warships in harbor, photos and postcards from the Isle of Capri, more.
A large album dedicated to his time in AFRIKA - also contains Mao of Africa he used while there and other souvenirs and mementos, good photos from Tripolis, many tropical uniform photos, field bivouacs in the desert, field ambulances in the desert, road signs, crash landed Me 110 Zerstoerer, field hospital in the desert, camp painted vehicles, photos from Derna, nice TOBRUK road sign, and more. Then an album os his time in the medical unit of Luftwaffe Feld-Division 9 with content from LENINGRAD & ORANIENBAUM - nice hand drawn maps, souvenirs, troops in foxholes, great photo of Luftwaffe Feldgendarmerie wearing Gorgets and cufftitles, letters he wrote home, Russian POWs, newspaper articles, passes & IDs, harsh Wolchow battlefield conditions, and more.
- sold

WAFFEN-SS Medal, Document & Photo Grouping - SS Division "DAS REICH" - TOP!

One of the best SS groupings we have offered. All directly from the family. Named to SS-Sturmann Josef BRANDSTOETTER, He served in 13./(I.G.) SS regiment "Der Fuehrer" of the SS Division "Das Reich." After his wounding in Russia, he served in occupation duty in the NETHERLANDS. Comes with his Black Wound Badge, Infantry Assault Badge, court mounted EK2 with original envelope and extra ribbon inside. All in the original box they were kept in since the war. Comes with a large folder with many great documents including INFANTRY ASSAULT BADGE with orig. sig. "Der Fuehrer" commander SS-Standartenführer Georg Keppler (RK winner), IRON CROSS SECOND CLASS with orig. sig. PAUL HAUSSER (RK+Swords), two BLACK WOUND BADGE award documents - oe from hospital and the other from the Regiment, also with original signature Rgt Cdr. SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto KUMM (RK+ SWORDS winner), His original SS Fuehrerschein with photo also with original signature KEPPLER, app 44+ pieces of Feldpost he wrote, military discharge, documents related to him working for the British Army in 1946, many other documents related to his service, original SS-Der Fuehrer Bierzeitungen, and more. Comes with Three photo albums and loose photos totaling appx. 360 photos. Has a SUPER very LARGE format portrait photo of him in SS uniform, many other excellent SS Studio portraits, good photos from the France Campaign - shot down and burning British planes, FLAMMENWERFERS, unit graves, bunkers, good photos of Infanterie Geschutz cannons and crews in the field, SS camp smocks and helmets in wear, SS vehicles, KO french Tanks, Panzers, French POWs, photos of Hans Albin RAUTER, photos o him interacting with Dutch locals and kids, several large unit photos and more!
$4310 - sold

FOUR Photo Album Grouping - FEMALE DANSK BRIGADE - Rare!

HUGE grouping of FOUR photo albums, 100’s of photos, of a young Danish woman - Annie TOUSSING - who served in the Tanks Brigade! It appears that her father was also a Danish general. Possible they were members of the Danish Brigade in Sweden during the war, also. Very good photos of her in Danish brigade FOVA uniform, interesting photo showing German and British officers at ceremony, photos from occupation duty in Germany after the war, nice portrait photos, photos of the father and mother also in uniform, more! Also some original paperwork from her service.
 - sold

Soldbuch, Wehrpass & Award Document Grouping - GEBIRGSNEBELWERFER ABT. 10  LAPPLANDSCHILD

Rare grouping to Obergef. Emmerich HIBLINGER who served in Gebirgs Nebelwerfer ABt 10. Comes with his Wehrpass, Soldbuch & rare original award document for the LAPPLANSCHILD with original signature Oberstlt. and Geb. Art. Rgt. 118 commander! Soldbuch is his original issue with uniform photo, well filled out. Award page missing. Wehrpass is also well filled out listing awards as KVK2, Sudetenland medal, and LAPPLANDSCHILD. extensive campaign entries, Great grouping!
- sold

PANZER Photo Album & Document Grouping - Aufklarungs Abt. 7 - Austrian Anschluss

82 photos of Ernst RAMPL who served in Aufklarungs Abt. 7 of the 7 Inf Division. Starts with a nice studio portrait of him wearing Panzer Aufkl Abt 7 shoulder boards, parades, Fahnentraeger & Standarde, many good PANZERSPAHWAGEN photos, nice portrait photo of him in Kradschuetzen gear, Panzerspahwagens with EMBLEMS of the Austrian Anschluss, photos of the unit moving through Austria, many photos of panzer, troops in black Panzer uniforms, Panzers with AA7 insignia, Austrian ADMK wheel-cum-track vehicles, Krads, more.   Also comes with his large original Austrian Anschluss Medal award document.
$445 - sold

U-BOAT Photo Grouping - U-427 - NORWAY - Nice!

Appx 200 photos of sailor who served on the U-427. Many very good photos of the crew on deck, many photos of the man and U-Boat in Norway, photos form inside the U-boat, cap badges in wear, hanging out with Norwegian women, portrait photos, good photos of conning tower emblems, Christmas tree onward at sea, quartered in Norwegian hotels, studio portraits of the man, many photos of the crew in Norwegian towns and more.
$675 - sold

PANZER Photo Album - 2./(Pz.Spah.) Aufklarungs Abteilung 6 - Sudetenland - Top!

287 photos named to Panzer soldier Walter MEYER. Amazing album starting with the man's service in the Hitler Jugend in 1932 with very good photos of his HJ unit at the 1933 & 1944 NURNBERG PARTY RALLY, great photos of HJ uniforms, HJ drunms and musical instruments, rallies, ceremonies, marching, camping, Zeppelins, portraits, high ranking HJ officers, then photos from NSKK Motorsportschule, then photos of him in his Panzer service starting with 2./(Pz.Spah.) Aufklarungs Abteilung 6. Great photos of 8-wheel Panzerspahwagens, 6 and 4-wheel Panzerspahwagens, nice Grand and Kradschuetzen photos, Panzers, Panzers on transport trailers, photos from the SUDETENLAND Camapign, good photos of Panzerspahwagens rolling through Czech villages, early Panzer uniforms and panzer berets, and more.
$745 - on hold

PANZER Photo Album - Panzer Regiment 31 - Poland & France - JEWISH CONTENT - TOP!

116 super photos. Content from Poland and France. Starts with a Panzer Rgt 31 Christmas card with original signature Kompanie commander. Portrait photo of the man wearing panzer Beret. Very good Panzer III photos, vehicles, funerals in the field, captured French Tanks, Krads, Panzers on the roll, Panzers on transport trailers, POLISH Refugees fleeing battle, Polish JEWS expelled form villages, captured POLISH TANKS, Luftwaffe aircraft, photos of captured POLISH AIRPLANES, Panzer iV tanks with Polish campaign Balkankreuz, great armored halftrack photo towing 8.8cm Flak, destroyed French towns, French POWs, Bunkers, more!
$685 - sold


PANZER Photo Album - Panzer Regiment 5 - Nice!

127 photos of a Panzer soldier. Good Panzer photos, several photos of the man wearing small non-standard Panzer berets, artillery cannons, French Tanks, captured artillery cannons, vehicles, troops in French towns, French road signs, Krads, bunkers, medals in wear, good photos of crew posing in Panzers, captured French tanks, Panzer portrait photos, destruction, winter retreats, more.
$385 - sold

PANZER Photo Album - Panzer Regiment 6

148 photos of Panzer crewman who served in Panzer Regiment 6. Filled with excellent photos of Panzers. Very good photos of Panzer uniforms in wear. Well captioned.Large unit photo from 1937 with many Panzer berets in wear, portrait photos, great photos of Standard & Fahnentraeger in Panzer on parade, Regimental Commander Oberst Meyer who served as the commander at the Regiment's formation, many other identified officers, vehicles, maneuvers, photos of departure of Oberst Meyer, motorcycles, and more. great history of the early development of the regiment!
$510 - on hold

Photo Album & Medal Grouping - Gebirgsjaeger MAJOR - Nice!

50 photos of Gebirgsjaeger Major Werner KAUPERT. What makes the album special is his extensive horse racing and horsemanship experience. Comes with his original Polizei oak leaf collar tab insignias, original Reiter & Fahrer Badges he inserted in the album and EXCELLENT audio portraits of him wearing them! Also included are many newspaper clippings about races and competitions he won. Also photos of him as a Polieifahnenjunker in the 1920's. Great album!

SS POLIZEI Award Document Grouping - NORWAY - Historically Important

Grouping named to Wachtmeister Paul SCHMIDT. Comes with his Ostmedaille award document for service with 10./Polizei Rgt. 13, his Bronze Driver's Badge for service with II./SS-Polizei Rgt. 7 with orig sig Rgt. Cdr.. SS-Pol Rgt 7 was stationed in Spillum Norway at this time. Also comes with his KVK2 award document. He was Feldwebel at this time and was serving in the Gen. Kdo. XXXIII Armee Korps in DRONTHEIM, Norway. Original signature General and cdr. XXXIII AK Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann 9RK winner). Also interesting is that the reverse of his KVK2 has a typed grounds for the award, in this case, for his personal courage in participating in arresting SS Oberfuehrer Heinz ROCH - very uncommon. ROCH's service can be found below. He committed suicide before the arrival of the Allies.
- sold

FLUGBUCH & Award Document Grouping - FW 190 Pilot - Jagdgeschwader 103!

Document grouping to Feldwebel Gunter GRUNERT. Comes with his Luftwaffe FLugzeugfuehrerschein (Pilot's License) with photo listing his qualification to fly Me 109 E,F and G models and FW 190. Units listed in his license include Jagdgeschwader 104 and 103. Another Airfield license for Langendiebach, His Luftwaffe Bordschuetzenschein for previous service as Air Gunner in Fern Aufklarungs Gruppe 22. Document listing his promotions as well as his awards and dates including - Air Gunner Badge, Pilot's Badge, EK1 (AS fighter Pilot on April 7, 1945), Ek2, and Front Clasp in Bronze. His Flugbuch has his named embossed on the cover. Starts with his Pilot training. Many Me 109 as well as FW 190 flights listed.
- sold

Award Document Grouping - 34 Inf. Division CAP BADGE - Divisions-Erinnerungszeichen

Award document grouping to Obergef. Johann BECK who served in Gren. Rgt. 107. Comes with the very rare document to Obergef. Johann BECK of Grey Rgt 107, allowing him to wear the divisional cap badge - Divisions-Erinnerungszeichen. Also comes with his Ostmedaille award document, Black Wound Badge award document, Silver Wound Badge award document. Also a document confirming his award of the Krimschild and Anti-Commie medal. Great grouping!
 - sold


VIETNAM GENERAL Photo Album & Document Grouping - Major General Lloyd B. RAMSEY - Americal Division

A fantastic photo album, from personal estate of Major General Lloyd B. RAMSEY. Ramsey had very colorful service from WWII through Vietnam.  During WWII he served as Aide-de-Camp to British General ALEXANDER during the North Africa Campaign, participated in the Battle of Kasserine Pass, he and his unit were the FIRST to BERCHTESGADEN (Sorry 101st AB, it wasn't you), was present at the raising of the American Flag over the Eagle's Nest, and recipient of multiple Purple Hearts, Silver Star and multiple Bronze Stars.  During Vietnam, he served as the commander of the Americal Division. This album covers his Vietnam service. It is a MASSIVE, heavy thing, hand made from wood with personalized engraved name plate on cover. Also comes with award document from South Vietnam and a large pile of letters, many from other Generals and high officers as well as Ramsey's response letters, after his injury from an in country helicopter crash.  The album is filled with excellent photos - many excellent color photos,  everything you would want to see, combat, many named officers (including NORMAN SCHWARTZKOPF and COLIN POWELL), tanks, heavy weapons, on stage with Bob Hope, helicopters, Ramsey receiving medals, many articles about significant battle he commanded, photos of his helicopter crash and him recovering in hospital and much more!  A historically significant album!
 - sold

WWII RAF Trunk Grouping - NAVIGATOR - Very Complete Grouping!

VERY nice trunk/suitcase grouping named to P/O Raymond A. WOODHOUSE.  Original suitcase he brought/shipped his effects home in is in very good condition. It survived me checking it as luggage back from England last week!  It is full of, likely, everything he brought home,  Comes with a very nice, professionally framed display of his War Medal, Cap Badge, Nav WIng, photo and ID tag. On the reverse is a copy of his Record of Service from the RAF.  Comes with his officers flying tunic with label from Moss Bros & Co Ltd., Covent Garden, London, his officer's greatcoat, also from same tailor, period framed group photo, his painted RAF duffle/kit bag, ID tag, medal boxes and insert letters, Flying LOG BOOK & RCAF Sight Log Book (mostly training in Canada, he did make it over to the CBI theater after the war - he was assigned to TFU Defford in July 1945), his RAF Paybook, RAF Service & Release  Book, various other ID cards and booklets, invitations, box of various uniform effects - buttons, extra pair of shoulder boards, etc., a nice lot of photos showing aircraft, him and comrades in uniform, base life, photos when he was posted in India,  several maps he used in flight, engraved lighter in box, and more. great grouping that would make a very nice display.
$850 - sold


Army Photo Album & Award Document Grouping - 81 Inf Division - France Campaign

Very complete grouping to Obergef. Herbert NAUMANN, who served in Inf Rgt 174 of the 81 Inf Division. An increasing difficult to find complete album with award documents! Comes with his EK2 award document with original sig. 81 Div Cdr. Generalleutnant Erich Schopper (Knights Cross Winner), Infantry Assault Badge award document with original sig. Rgt. Cdr., Oberst Hanns von Rohr (DKiG), Black Wound Badge, and Ostmedaille award documents.  the album contains 170 photos and is beautifully captioned throughout.  Starts with a nice studio portrait of him. Starts with his training and then very good photos from the France campaign 1940. troop movements, French POWs, motorcycles, destruction, KAI French troops, Panzers, river and canal crossings, many identified locations, wounded troops, French planes, Maginot Line bunkers, bicycle infantry, and more.  Don't miss this one!
- sold
Army Photo Album & Award Document Grouping Infanterie Regiment "LIST" - Rare!

170 photos, all from Hauptfeldwebel Michael MOSER, the Kompanie Spiess of 4./ Infanterie Regiment 199 "List." Many photos have detailed captions on the reverse! This was Hitler's unit in WWI. They were allowed to wear the special cufftitle "Infanterie Regiment List." Adolf Hitler served in Königlich Bayerisches Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 16, named "List" after its commander Oberst Julius List, of 6. Königlich Bayerische Reserve-Division during the First World War. Comes with his award documents for the INFANTRY ASSAULT BADGE awarded August 1944, KVK2 with original signature 57 ID commander Generalleutnant Otto Fretter-Pico (RK winner), and Ostmedaille with orig. sig. Regimental commander. The album is full of examples of the man and his comrades wearing the "Infanterie Regiment List" cufftitle. Many photos showing the man wearing Spiess sleeve tress, good front shots from Russia, photos of unit graves particularly a Lt. Moser - perhaps a relative?,vehicles, Russian POWs, KO Russian Tanks, PAK cannons, Identified KNIGHTS CROSS WINNER (Heindl, Josef 09.02.1943 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr I./Gren.Rgt 199 „List“) , burning Russian towns and cities, KIA Russian soldiers, motorcycles, and more. - sold

Waffen-SS Photo Grouping - LENINGRAD FRONT + Late War Photos

80 photos, all from the same SS man. Most photos are captioned on the reverse. Good SS uniforms and insignia, SS vehicles, SS camp smocks and helmets, many photos identified from LENINGRAD, knocked out bunkers, many photos from summer 1944, SS Krads, TOTENKOPF cufftitles in wear, Sd.Kfz. 251, foxhole photos, captured Russian weapons, Demyjansk Shield in wear, medals in wear, VW Kubelwagen, KO Russian tanks, SS camo tunics, great photos of SS 8.8cm Flak with many kill rings and insignia, more
$940 - sold


US WWII 8th Air Force Air Gunner B-14 Uniform Grouping - KIA - 96th Bomb Group - MUNSTER Raid

Named grouping to S/Sgt. Thomas J. KEEFE, Jr.  He served as a BALL TURRET GUNNER with the 413 Bomb Squadron, of the 96th Bomb Group.   At 1023 on January 4, 1944, Keefe was flying in B-17F #42-30518, Short Stride IV which collided with B-17F #42-5923, Skin and Bones. The collision occurred at 52⁰20’N 07⁰10’E at 25,000’. Both aircraft were from the 96th Bombardment Group (H), 413th Bombardment Squadron (H). B-17 #42-30518 crashed near Lingen, Germany and B-17 #42-5923 crashed near Gronau, Germany. The radio operator, T/Sgt. Lyall W. Taubert; right waist gunner, S/Sgt Gerald R. Waldron, Jr.; and tail gunner, S/Sgt. John Y. Young on B-17F #42-30518, Short Stride IV, survived the collision and became prisoners of war. The pilot, 1st Lt. James E. McLean; the copilot, 2nd Lt. Harold Ziotnick; the navigator, 2nd Lt. John R. Gray; the bombardier, 2nd Lt. John E. McGee; the top turret gunner, T/Sgt. Richard R. Winn; the ball turret gunner, S/Sgt. Thomas J. Keefe, Jr; and the left waist gunner, S/Sgt. David Miller, Jr. were all killed in action. All ten crewmembers of B-17F #42-5953, Skin and Bones, were killed.
The grouping comes with his fantastic condition B-14 Jacket, great BRITISH MADE 8th AF patch, DUC ribbon, British Made ribbon bars, VERY nice Air Gunner's Wings - scarce version without the "O" target behind the flying bullet, sterling pin back with clutch post seats - one of the best Air Gunner Wings you can find. Also comes with uniform pants, shirt, tie and belt. Family must have sewn the ruptured Duck insignia on as a memento since he was KIA in 1943.
$750 - sold

RARE US POW YMCA Diary - Captured in North Africa!
Rare original POW diary of a 34th Division, 168th Infantry Regiment soldier captured in Tunisia at the battle of Sidi Bou Zid. Named to Alonzo EDWARDS. This was a battle that pre-dated the more well known Kasserine Pass battle. He was imprisoned at Stalag 3B Furstenberg.These are exceedingly rare to find, especially to someone captured this early in the war!

US WWII 8th AF PILOT Medal & Photo Album Grouping - 486th Bomb Group


Named grouping to 2nd Lt Charles R. DAVIS who served as a B-17 pilot in the 833rd BS, 486 BG. Comes with three sets of wings, one engraved, Air Medal various uniform insignia patches and more. Also comes with a very nice photo album containing his Air Medal citations, other documents from his service, very good B-17 mission photos, newspaper clippings, strike photos, portraits, base images and more. Nice grouping!

US WWII SILVER STAR & PURPLE HEART Grouping - 3rd Infantry Division - TOP!

SUPER original wartime government engraved Silver Start & Purple Heart named to Arthur A. KUNDE who served in the 10th Engineers, 3rd Infantry Division. He served in Africa, Sicily, Italy and France & Germany. Also comes with original white box for the Silver Star, original CITATION for the Silver Star for lifesaving actions in France on Sept 11, 1944 in Vesoul France (super!), Dog Tags, engraved Good Conduct Medal, original wartime 3rd Division Patch, Telegram to wife informing her of his being wounded,  many original newspaper clippings about his life and wartime exploits (appears he was a professional baseball player), interesting newspaper clippings indicating he played a commando-like role the night before the invasion of Sicily (Operation HUSKY) - possibly he just meant that he was in the first wave of the invasion..Needs more research! another article described him being wounded from a mine explosion in Italy, treated and then going AWOL and hitchhiking and walking his way back to join his unit, several good original photos, telegrams he sent home from Africa and Italy, and more!
$2100 -sold


US/RCAF WWII SPITFIRE/HURRICANE Fighter Pilot Grouping - North Africa - 92 Squadron - Top Rare!

Super grouping named to W/O Frank SHAFER. He was a US citizen from Cleveland, OH who made his way to Canada to volunteer in the RCAF. Comes with a super wartime portrait photo of him in uniform wearing US and RAF wings, his original flight Log book listing hundreds flights, many ops in North Africa. He included many interesting details including other pilots' crashes, deaths, German plane shot down, etc! A treasure trove of information about 92 Squadron! He also flew missions during Battle of El Alamein!! The logbook also contains several original signatures of F/Lt JH Wedgwood - very famous RAF ACE KIA during the war - rare signature!! (see link below). Probably others as well, but this is the only one I immediately recognized. Also comes with several letters he wrote to his sister, newspaper articles and more.  (Available again; buyer never paid)
$2650 - sold